Our District
Athletics & Activities
Back To School We Go...Join the Ennis Schools Booster Club, why you ask
1 Meeting A Month
Super Awesome Group
Support Our Students & Staff-it just makes you feel good!
Great Way To Be Involved
Don't want to join...then be a sponsor (see below)
If you would like to donate or make a payment to Ennis Schools Booster Club our Venmo is (please indicate what your donation/payment is for):
Sponsor Form:Click Here
Our Support:
Booster Club filled almost 30 teacher requests and spent $4760 from the All-School Reunion donation on the following items during the 22-23 school year. The remaining $1340 will be used to fill requests this year.
Soldering Irons for the art room
50 copies of “Wolves in the Holler”, written by Ennis student Bailey Fouraker
STEM supplies
Elementary Gym and Lunch Room speakers
5 regulation chess boards and timers
Water testing kits
Supplemental classroom software and curriculum
Field trip lunches
Incentives for student attendance
TI Calculators for high school math
5K run prizes
PE games and equipment
Document cameras