Registration for our winter session opens Monday, December 30th.
Classes start January 13th-March 8th.
Our Fall session is an eight-week program with classes starting September 9th, 2024, and ending November 2nd, 2024. Registration for Fall classes, workshops, presentations, and tours will open on Monday, August 26th, 2024, at 7 a.m. Registration will close one week after classes have started but will remain open throughout the quarter for available workshops, presentations, and tours. If a class does not meet the minimum requirement of three or more people, registration for that class will close the day before the start date.
Friendly Reminders:
*ECE classes and workshops will be offered to anyone 18 years of age or older who are not regularly enrolled and/or attending or receiving educational services from a public school.
*Only registered students are allowed to be in the classroom. Auditing and viewing classes and workshops are not permitted. This is for liability purposes.
*Children are not permitted to accompany parents to class unless it is specified in the class or workshop description. This is for liability purposes.
Thank you!